Australian Cooling Tower Compliance Services

NSW Health Act, Regulations and Guidelines

NSW cooling tower systems are regulated by the Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulations 2012 as amended by the Public Health Amendment (Legionella Control) Regulation 2018.
NSW legislation requires that cooling water systems must be:

  1. Installed, designed and commissioned in accordance with the Australian Standard AS3666 Part 1
  2. Operated (but not maintained) in accordance with AS/NZS 3666 Part 2
  3. Maintained in accordance with AS/NZS 3666 Part 3

In addition to the above requirements, NSW law requires that:

  1. A Risk Management Plan (RMP) must be completed in accordance with the timing indicated by your Local Council
  2. The RMP must be undertaken every year for high risk systems and between every year and every five years for medium to low risk systems.
  3. Each year, an independent audit must be conducted.
  4. Mandatory monthly sampling for HCC and Legionella.
  5. Mandatory reporting of elevated results to your Local Council.
  6. A “Duly Qualified Person” (DQP) manages the cooling water system on a routine basis including installing, operating and maintaining the system.
  7. Only a “Competent Person” or a person working under the guidance of a “Competent Person” can develop an RMP.
  8. Each month a “Form 3” mini risk assessment and summary must be completed.
  9. Remedial action control strategies as per AS3666 Part 3.
  10. Five years’ documentation must be provided to an Environmental Health Officer within 4 hours of request.
  11. Registration with Local Council.
  12. A Unique Identification Number must be displayed on each cooling tower.

For more information visit the NSW Health website.


NSW cooling tower audits